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Magek Photography
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10th annual banquet for the Friends of Devereux

We were honored to be asked to participate in the 10th annual banquet for the friends of Devereux. Devereux is an wonderful organization that helps kids from all over the country that need help of all types. The biggest thing they do is make sure these kids know that they are loved. Friends of Devereux is a group of people that donate their time and finances for no other reason that to make sure these kids know that their are people that love them. If you would like to know more about Devereux you can go to their website at: www.devereuxtx.org

Posted: June 7, 2013                              Click here to see al of the Pictures.

Click here  to see all of the images.

All of the images are available for free download. As you are looking at the images their is an arrow under each image that if you click on will download the image.

You can also order prints from the Gallery. We have Priced the prints at $2.00 for a 4x6,  $5.00 for a 5x7 and $10.00 for an 8x10.

You will need to create an account to be able to order prints.

There is no charge for Shipping and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Devereux.

Please let us know if you have any questions or if you need help with anything.

Thank You,

Steve and Maggie Burk